Since Snake Plants are low maintenance, taking care of them is pretty easy. One of many types of easy-care cactus, Christmas cactus ... hanging baskets or as a groundcover under larger houseplants. NMLS #3030. 1. All rights reserved. These methods vary from techniques to manipulate light and heat, to watering, cleaning, and potting methods that can keep the cold from sabotaging your houseplants. We are going to go over the different types of ferns you can be taking care of, as well as how you can identify them. “Even when it’s not blooming, it’s nice to look at,” Schrader says. And what’s more, plants that grow together will have similar needs, making it easier on the caretaker. Stacker used a variety of home and gardening resources to compile a list of 20 winter plant care tips to help through the colder months. According to Erin Marino, director of marketing at the Sill, this seasonal change is totally natural. But these trees don’t stop at fruits: “When they bloom you have this beautiful fragrance of citrus flowers,” says Schrader. It’s also smart to use a spray bottle to mist the palm regularly, just to make sure the leaves are staying humid, too. So, here’s 5 Easy Houseplants and How to Care For Them. Some plants can handle that kind of lifestyle. Even though they have some specific care requirements, growing palms indoors in attractive pots is … A pot that is too large will cause root disease because of the excess moisture retained in the soil, while a pot that is too small will restrict a plant's growth. When choosing plants for your home, keep in mind the look you’re after, the amount of effort you’re willing to put into their care, and the amount of space and sunlight you have. This is one indoor plant you will want to prune if foliage gets too long. The leaves are long, narrow strips and the spiderettes look like mini Spider Plants. Spider plants are actually named for the spiderettes that dangle from the main plant, much like a spider’s web. If you have very large, heavy baskets, you can attach them to a simple pulley system that allows the entire basket to be lowered for watering. Indeed, this plant’s conical leaves conjure images of spires, obelisks, and skyscrapers. You may not assume this, being that it looks so different from many of its cousins, but the Strong of Pearls is actually a succulent. Rubber Tree plants do not need much light or water. Split-Leaf Philodendron Care: Water once a week. Hi Denise, This first plant is a dracaena warneki. “It can be pruned back to almost look like a small ghostly tree, but with a mind of its own, you can also let it explore your space freely and watch its travels along the way,” says Heibel. Call 800-442-4383 to get started! Whether you're working with a large or small space, find great care tips and tricks for all of your favorite houseplants. Ferns are low-maintenance plants and only require you to provide them with enough water and light. House plants are generally planted in pots that have drainage holes in the bottom of the pot to reduce the likelihood of over watering and standing water. I see them in the market or at the store but I have no idea how to properly take care of them, where they should be placed or if they’re even practical in my place. Learn which houseplants are safe for pets, as well as how to take care of them and where to put them in your home. Be careful not to overwater it. Don’t worry, Spider Plants don’t actually attract spiders. Although air plants don’t need soil, they do need good air circulation. Keep your air plants in bright, but indirect sunlight. Whether you are growing your plant collection to 50 or just starting out with your first houseplant, our Houseplants 101 course will shape you into a confident, comfortable houseplant parent. Houseplant 411 helps you identify houseplants and learn about indoor plant care.Our illustrated plant guide provides plant pictures and the plant care information you need to help keep your house plants healthy and beautiful. You only need to water about once a month and do not fertilize the plant at all. Spider Plants like to be in bright, indirect light and cooler temperatures. Other varieties are much faster growers, and will cover your walls if left unattended! These are the best houseplants for beginners. As for how many to include, he says, “That all depends on how many you want to take care of.”, Finally, location should be dictated primarily by the plant’s light requirements and then by the owner’s taste. It feels good to care for something and watch it thrive. that are exotic and eye-catching rather than the ordinary fern or cactus? Why We Love It: Its waxy, colorful foliage adds a splash of color in any room—without taking up a lot of space. Try it in a kitchen or a bathroom, where the rooms tend to be less dry. Check the soil every week, but it’s fine to skip a few. Information About General Houseplant Care Growing houseplants successfully means providing the best possible care. If the tendrils ever droop, that’s a sign the plant is thirsty. Architectural Digest caught up with horticulturist Dennis Schrader from Landcraft Environments in Mattituck, New York, to get the dirt. There are over 22,000 species of orchids, and care requirements may vary based on the type. A Dracaena Warnekii survives in low light When you select “Low Light” a list of the most adaptive plants in our database appears. © 2020 Condé Nast. Or maybe your room’s a blank canvas ready for its first dash of color. Try to find a cool, humid spot in indirect light. Houseplant parenthood has been a … “The biggest thing I’d say is don’t freak out. Instead of playing the guessing game and wondering if they’d work for me, I researched 10 of the most common houseplants to find out what makes them special and how to take care of them. Snap off dead, yellow leaves as they appear. Another dark green plant, but this one features large, white flowers that bloom throughout winter and early spring. Water weekly. Growing tired of a lifeless interior? Snake plant – I have 4 snake plants, I love them so much! Not every day, or even on schedule, but once a week or so, you should rinse them under running water and let them soak in a water bath for 30 minutes to an hour. You want to keep the soil moist so it doesn’t damage the roots. Stretching is when the plant starts to turn towards the sun and eventually, they start grow taller, but there will be more space between the leaves. That’s where we come in. A nice overview of houseplants and how to care for them. I really like the "hook" of "how not to kill it," which was funny and very relatable (as someone with a history of killing plants--accidentally, of course!). They help reduce carbon monoxide or formaldehyde that might be in the air. Most of the year, (spring, summer and most of fall) you should water your succulents every few days – not just a light watering, but more of a soaking. To maintain the shape and size of your String of Pearls plant, you might need to prune certain areas, which is OK and will not harm the plant. Click on any picture in our Popular House Plant Section and learn how to identify, grow, and care for indoor houseplants. Whether you have a green thumb and you’re looking to add a few more houseplants to your space, or you think you can’t keep a plant alive no matter what, there’s something for everyone on this list of low-maintenance houseplants. Indoor houseplants are skilled survivors and know how to adapt. Water once a month. You may need to move them to a different window or get them a humidifier. Learn how to care for houseplants, including watering and sunlight. Indoor houseplants pictures, names and how to care for your houseplants. And just because these plants don’t need soil, they still need to be watered. But not all houseplants are equal. If you don’t have a green thumb, you can still take care of a succulent. Learn how to take care of flower plants in your garden, vases, or pots with these important tips. This low-maintenance plant will look stunning in your living room, and grows up to four to six feet tall. They turn brown because of fluoride in the water. Dracaena – This is another popular indoor plant with long green leaves. It’s the perfect low-maintenance houseplant. During the late fall and winter, the tree will be in a dormancy period. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement (updated 1/1/20) and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement (updated 1/1/20) and Your California Privacy Rights. See how to care for the four most popular houseplants below: Say goodbye to sad-looking at brown leaves and keep your houseplants thriving with these simple steps. Do you have a favorite houseplant? Search our extensive houseplant guide and find plant care advice for your specific indoor houseplants. But what if you want some houseplants that are exotic and eye-catching rather than the ordinary fern or cactus? Learn what marimo moss balls are, how to grow them, where to buy them and — best of all — why you need them in your life. Lending services provided by Quicken Loans, LLC, a subsidiary of Rock Holdings Inc. "Quicken Loans" is a registered service mark of Intuit Inc., used under license. Remember, underwatering will be better than overwatering. This, however, requires far more ambition than most homeowners are. I can help you with your indoor house plants care! The spring and summer are considered growing season, during that time you should feed the tree a diluted, balanced fertilizer every two weeks and keep the soil moist, but not wet. Houseplants 101 is the course for you. Quicken Loans is available to help with all your home loans needs! Feel the soil to make sure it’s dry or slightly damp before watering. Throughout the year, it’s a good idea to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or lightly mist the leaves with a spray bottle. Or maybe you plan to stop and get one of the ones we talked about above. If the leaves start falling off, gradually increase the amount of water until they perk back up again. It’s OK if they’re in direct sunlight for a few hours a day, but no more than that. Older plants become leggy and unkempt; replace them with new plants Named after its small, round, pea-like foliage that resembles a string of pearls, this plant looks great draping over its container or hanging from a basket. Schrader says you can cut off the top—as long as it has air roots attached—and replant it, meaning if you buy one of these, you could easily have more, if you’d like. Most types of palm houseplants have arching fronds with thin pointed leaflets on each stem. If you are given a jade plant, are planning on giving one to a friend or just want one for your home or office, rest assured in knowing that these are pretty easy for which to care. If you’ve got more time, you can try a few attention-loving air plants, orchids or ferns. “Not only is it easy to care for, but with its upright sculptural nature, this architectural oddity always makes a large statement,” says Heibel. There are many types of ferns that you can grow indoors as houseplants or outdoors in your garden. Rubber Tree plants are named after the white latex they produce. The only drawback is that they are toxic to pets. In addition to their aesthetic feature, they serve a number of remarkable functions. De Give recommends looking for more unusual varieties of cactus plants, such as rhipsalis (pictured above), kalanchoe thyrsiflora, and aloe white beauty. Easy-care, you can ignore them for up to a month before they sulk and need watering! Some vine plants are flowering and require slightly more care … Generally, a plant can stay in the same pot for two or so years. 15 Best Houseplants and How to Care for Them. African Spear Plant Care: Place in any light you choose; water every few weeks. For the most part, Boston Ferns are low maintenance, but they’re very particular about their climate. De Give advises keeping it lightly moist. Taking care of a Boston Fern isn’t hard but it is specific. Outdoors, these plants can grow as tall as 50 feet tall. Try placing it next to a window, so it’s still bright, but not hot. Before you decide on any one type of ivy, it’s essential to consider how much space you can allow for … They can handle a lot of water too, but let them dry out a bit between waterings. Corn Plant Care: Place this beauty in filtered sunlight and water every 7-10 days. Easy-care, you can ignore them for up to a month before they sulk and need watering! I can’t even walk by the flower section at the grocery store without stopping to at least pick up a small bouquet or some eucalyptus. Try to start with a younger Rubber Tree; younger plants adapt more easily to the indoors than more mature plants. If you have city water or hard water, I suggest letting the water sit for a few hours before submerging your air plant. You should not fertilize when the soil is dry. Required fields are marked *. . If you want to take this hobby to the next level, a sustainable way of growing plants is from seeds and Ferns are low-maintenance plants and only require you to provide them with enough water and light. Make sure you have good drainage in whatever you use to pot your aloe. Snake Plants can live in low-light areas, need little water and aren’t known to attract bugs. They actually need about six hours of sunlight a day. You want to plan out some things before buying your plant, such as how much lighting it needs, if you have any pets, and how much space you need. panom73 / Getty Images A tropical perennial native to … Orchids are beautiful, delicate flowers that come in array of colors, shapes, and sizes. When the soil is too wet bacteria and fungus can gain a foothold and make the plant sick. This helps the soil dry out between waterings, keeping your plant from being overwatered. Fiddle-Leaf Fig Tree Care: Water once a week, or more if it’s winter and the air in your home is dry. “I think they’re having a resurgence, especially for contemporary interiors,” says Schrader. It can seem intimidating, but they’re actually pretty easy to take care of. Why these are great houseplants: They are just beautiful and there is a great variety of them. This plant does great in a variety of environments, thriving in low light or in bright, indirect light. Identify your indoor houseplants with my indoor plant pictures. To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission. You don’t need to create a schedule for your plant, just water it whenever the top of the soil is dry to the touch. Rounding out our list of the best indoor plants is this standout with striped leaves. 8 Common Houseplants (And How to Care for Them) Houseplants are trending, and with so many gorgeous varieties of indoor greenery available, it’s no wonder. You may need to prune these plants every once and a while by cutting leaves back to the base. Indoor plants are easy to care for. When watering a Snake Plant, it’s better to underwater than over water. Taking care of houseplants can help you improve your mood. Meyer lemon trees do well indoors as long as they have lots of sun. Indoor plants offer a gorgeous touch to the house. Most palm trees don’t make good houseplants, but the Parlor Palm is one of the few that does. It thrives in medium light; allow soil to dry between watering. “You don’t want to put a fern next to a cactus,” he says. Try a plant here or there and see what looks good to you, and don’t be afraid to move it around over time. The following information provides tips on the basic care of houseplants as well as suggestions for dealing with houseplant pests and disease that affect houseplants. But, if the upper leaves do, you might be overwatering them. They also make great focal points if you arrange them together in a terrarium. In winter, houseplants need some different types of care. Popular House Plants Click on any picture in our Popular House Plant Section and learn how to identify, grow, and care for indoor houseplants. The fronds of this plant spring to great heights from the soil, then lean forward, quietly shading the ground beneath. loved learning about easy to care for house plants so helpful for us that do not have a green thumb thanks for the info ! If your house is not as dry in the winter, you can water then even less in the wintertime. People tend to kill their houseplants by providing too much water as opposed to too little. Could you tell me why the leaves on the second one are drooping? Not sure how to care for different types of plants? First thing to know about taking care of succulents is that they love light. When you're working with a dark room, give low-light options like pothos, prayer plants, and dracaena a go. Houseplants all have different water requirements and most of them don’t like having waterlogged soil. “Rhipsalis offers a welcomed textural change, compared to the sometimes controlled look of other succulents,” says Heibel. De Give recommends looking for more unusual varieties of cactus plants, such as rhipsalis (pictured above), kalanchoe thyrsiflora, and aloe white beauty. Types of Houseplants + Growing Tips. When choosing plants for your home, keep in mind the look you’re after, the amount of effort you’re willing to put into their care, and the amount of space and sunlight you have. Put the pot in a ventilated plastic bag in a bright place and once the spiderette has rooted, take the plastic bag off and let it grow into another mature Spider Plant! The survey, conducted by Harveys Furniture, shows over a third (36%) of plant parents kill them within three months of buying them, and only 2.3% have kept one alive for more than a year. If you’re still looking for ways you can bring the outside in, check out our four ideas for indoor gardening. Houseplant by day, super-plant by night (or whenever you have a cut or burn). Most indoor vine plants grow quickly so you can decorate with them without waiting a year or two. Kentia Palm Care: Requires medium to bright light; water weekly. Schrader suggests pruning the top branches when it grows above the window frame. Names of plants and how to care for them care. Grow in mixed baskets, hanging baskets or as a groundcover under larger houseplants. Below are some popular houseplants for you to choose from. Our website,, offers constant original coverage of the interior design and architecture worlds, new shops and products, travel destinations, art and cultural events, celebrity style, and high-end real estate as well as access to print features and images from the AD archives. Who would want that in their house? Finding the right spot to place your fern is important. Castiron Plant Care: Water once a week or every ten days. Let’s take a look at five easy house plants. 8 Common Houseplants (And How to Care for Them) Houseplants are trending, and with so many gorgeous varieties of indoor greenery available, it’s no wonder. Most types of palm houseplants have arching fronds with thin pointed leaflets on each stem. While Parlor Palms don’t need a ton of light, they still like humidity. Hanging plants add an interesting design element to a room or porch, by drawing the eye up and really showcasing the plant. Seriously, my idea of a good Saturday is going to the market to buy flowers then heading to the conservatory so I can spend hours reading or painting or relaxing with the plants.
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