apa plywood design specification

APA trademarked structural wood panels. Download Plywood Specifications - Basildon Timber the manufacturing processes which the marine. APA’s Plywood Design Specification (PDS), and are recognized by the model building codes. The uniform loads in the following tables were calculated using these section capaci-ties. Contact Information 7011 South 19th Street Tacoma, WA 98466-5333 United States ... Third of five supplements to the Plywood Design Specification. This document addressed the basic engineering mechanics of SIP panels but does not provide design properties … Specifications APA Rated Sheathing & Structural 1 Sheathing • LP OSB sheathing panels are of a consistent composition and manufactured to be free of knots, grain defects, core voids, splits and other irregularities. <]>> The Plywood Design Specification lists mechanical properties tables of different grades of plywood which you can use for engineering and design. The uniform loads in the following tables were calculated using these section capaci-ties. (b) The predominant thickness for each span rating is highlighted in bold. 0000008547 00000 n %PDF-1.6 %���� 0000017179 00000 n Panel Design Specification FORM NO. 0 It presents recommended methods for the design and fabrication of staple-glued all-plywood beams. For complete concrete form design and treatment information, refer to APA’s Design/Construction Guide: Concrete Forming, Form V345. Plywood has been one of the most recognized and trusted wood building products for decades. It also describes the typical applications where Performance Rated panels are used and provides updated trademark and performance category information. apa plywood design specification supplement 4 Plywood Design Specification Supplement 2 - Design.Plywood is composed of thin sheets of veneer or plies, peeled from a log as it is. Engineered Wood Association (APA) List your products or services on Engineering360. APA Rated Sheathing 15/32 Performance Category 32/16 Exposure 1. 0000019679 00000 n Working s WOOD The Natural Choice Percent of Percent of Material Production Energy Use Wood 47 4 Steel 23 48 Aluminum 2 8 NOTICE: The recommendations in this panel design specification apply only to products that bear the APA trademark. Includes trademark examples and explanations. Finishing recommendations are generally the same as those for untreated plywood. other APA literature, APA publishes separate design section capacities for the various Span Ratings. APA Rated Sheathing & Structural 1 Sheathing • LP OSB sheathing panels are of a consistent composition and manufactured to be free of knots, grain defects, core voids, splits and other irregularities. With more than a dozen common thicknesses and over twenty different grades, plywood is well-suited to a multitude of demanding applications. 0000006280 00000 n Table C Panel Section Properties (a,b) for Plywood Nominal Thickness, t (in.) 0000007839 00000 n And Industrial Plywood are given in Plywood Design Specification, Y510.Specifications for materials and design of concrete structures both. The uniform loads in the following tables were calculated using these properties and stresses, or resulting section capacities for the various Span Ratings. This edition remains available, along with PDS Supplements #1-5 until various building code references are … Design using values from this specification will result in a conservative design. 0000015869 00000 n 0000003204 00000 n PANEL DESIGN SPECIFICATION (PDS)(2) for Group 1 face ply, except that: (a) Allowable bending stress (F b) shall be 3300 psi for plywood with minimum 5-ply, 5-layer panel construction; and 2800 psi for 3-, 4- or 5-ply, 3-layer plywood. A sanded plywood panel with A-grade face, B-grade back and C-grade inner plies. 0000002918 00000 n The leading resource for information about engineered wood products. Working in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service, the American Plywood Association (APA) (now APA - The Engineered Wood Association) tested panels manufactured with a core of compressed wood strands and traditional wood veneer on the face and back for use in structural applications. For range of thicknesses, see Table 5 of APA’s Panel Design Specification, Form D510. APA - the Engineered Wood Association (known as the American Plywood Association until 1994) provides technical information for architects, builders, code officials, engineers, specifiers, and others in the trade. 0000011689 00000 n 0000020529 00000 n 0000021475 00000 n For refined design information on this special-use panel see APA Design/Construction Guide: Concrete Forming, Form No. Transportation Plywood’s excellent strength-to-weight ratio and the armor-like durability of an overlaid surface make both HDO and MDO ideal for truck and trailer linings. These loads are recommended when engineering principles are used for design. Details on relationship between wood species groups and wood panel design stresses are covered in APA's basic design manual, Panel Design Specification, Form D510. 5/16, 3/8, 15/32, 1/2, 19/32, 5/8, 23/32, 3/4, 7/8, 1, 1-1/8. PLYWOOD DESIGN SPECIFICATION APA The Engineered Wood Association PSE FR ∑ PRGM LBL CLEAR REG HYP x (i) (i) B P/R RTN R BST RND HYP - 1 SIN - 1 COS - 1 x 2 LN LOG % ON f g R/S S GSB R SST GTO x y SIN x COS e x 10 SUPPLEMENT 2 Design And Fabrication Of Glued Plywood-Lumber Beams July 1992 S812,PDS2.0 3/27/00 1:37 PM Page 1 Design Specifications (NDS) for Wood Construction ASD/LRFD and Section C9.3 of the 2005 Edition of the AF&PA American Wood Councils’ Commentary National Design Specification (NDS) for Wood Construction ASD/LRFD, should be applied to the design capacities. 0000006104 00000 n Design using values from this specification will result in a conservative design. 0000012306 00000 n A manual of section properties, recommended design stresses and design methods for plywood manufactured under Voluntary Product Standard PS 1. APA engineered wood products are used in a wide range of construction applications. This is a free download. Table 2 Attachment of 15" wide, minimum 24-gauge steel Tee-Lock standing seam roofing panels to plywood deck System Design Wind Pressure Deck Attachment of Panel to Deck 3 -146 psf Minimum 15/32 " APA Rated Plywood PLYWOOD DESIGN SPECIFICATION SUPPLEMENT 1 Design And Fabrication Of Plywood Curved Panels March 1990 APA The Engineered Wood Association PSE FR ∑ PRGM LBL CLEAR REG HYP x (i) (i) B P/R RTN R BST RND HYP - 1 SIN - 1 COS - 1 x 2 LN LOG % ON f g R/S S GSB R SST GTO x y SIN x COS e x 10 PDS,S811.1 3/27/00 1:16 PM Page a 452 0 obj<>stream A selection of titles follows: * APA Technical Note: Fastener Loads for Plywood - Screws, Form E830 * APA Plywood Design Specification, Form Y510 * Consumer Information Sheet - Inorganic Arsenical Pressure-Treated Wood * APA Product Guide Preservative-Treated Plywood, Form Q220 The technical data in this Specification are presented 2 -86 psf Minimum 15/32 " APA Rated Plywood Two Fasteners @ 36" o.c. For design capacities, section properties, and equivalent specific gravity values of AdvanTech, refer to ICC‐ES ESR‐ 1785. 0000013647 00000 n Registration is required to access APA publications. manufacturer for use on overlaid plywood. These allowable F b stresses are for use in all-plywood beam design. Examples are seen in Figure 1, and further explained in the Working stresses and other design criteria are given in the PLYWOOD DESIGN SPECIFICATION, abbreviated PDS. You did not provide a valid email address. plywood component design are included as Supplements to this Specification or in APA The Engineered Wood Association design methods. For BEST performance of plywood in boat manufacturing, APA recommends the use of treated plywood according to the following specification. Treated in accordance to AWPA Standard C9 with < CCA, ACQ, ACZA or ACA> to 0.40 pcf retention. APA offers an extensive collection of detailed, technical information for architects, builders, code officials, engineers, specifiers, and others in the trade. This publication presents the recommended method for the design and fabrication of curved plywood roof panels spanning between load-bearing supports so that the stresses developed act circumferentially around the curve. "�Btle.����3W_���덟TR�K=�ݚ��������(�k��=���}���x|�X �����F��{uXR�A�S�WGZ�Bp�e��^�B)����yj�����Sd4� $"䖦�9>�z��;@�\yz�#�Y1g�p'/GP�e�ȶ�'�y��l@�݋���B�0�' A����jha[j"�����X��ǃJ�&b������G����r�iП�#���e 3 Unsanded and touch-sanded panels, and panels with “B” or better veneer on one side only, usually carry the APA trade-mark on the panel back. 0000005911 00000 n 0000014726 00000 n apa plywood design specification, Minimum 15/32 " APA Rated Plywood Two Fasteners @ 12" o.c. These loads are recommended when engineering principles are used for design. 0000004280 00000 n 0000001183 00000 n ** For 23/32 in thick panel, primary strength axis. AFG-01 A performance specification developed by APA – The Engineered Wood Association for glues recommended for use in the APA Glued Floor System. ** For 23/32 in thick panel, primary strength axis. APA trademarks appear only on products manufactured by APA member mills. APA RATED STURD-I-FLOOR, and other plywood grades for example, are given in APA Panel Design Specification, Form No. For OSB and Plywood values, refer to 2012 APA Panel Design Specification. 0000011785 00000 n Superior Exterior-type plywood made only with Douglas-fir or Western Larch. These loads are recommended when engineering principles are used for design. Engineered Wood Technology Association (EWTA), USDA Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory. End and edge distances are defined in Figure 1. Working in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service, the American Plywood Association (APA) (now APA - The Engineered Wood Association) tested panels manufactured with a core of compressed wood strands and traditional wood veneer on the face and back for use in structural applications. Kiln dry after treating (~AJ) to 18% or less. D510C © 2012 APA – THE ENGINEERED WOOD ASSOCIATION WWW.APAWOOD.ORG 7 2. References are also made to the American Forest & Paper Association publication entitled NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION, and abbreviated NDS. ©1995 APA – The Enginnered Wood Association Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. Q225G © 2011 APA – The Engineered Wood Association www.apawood.org 2 TABLE 1a UNIFORM LOADS (PSF) ON APA RATED PLYWOOD SHEATHING. Standard imposes. 0000002306 00000 n By 1971, the scope of the Specification had broadened to include additional Includes information on plywood and oriented strand board (wood structural panels), glulam, I-joists, structural composite lumber, typical specifications and design recommendations for floor, wall and roof systems, diaphragms, shear walls, fire-rated systems and methods of finishing. These loads are recommended when engineering principles are used for design. Bond Durability Exterior (Equivalent to EN 314 Bond Class 2) Available with unsanded finish only; Sourced for veneer strength from Group 1 species , Face and Back; These APA panels are constructed to equate to the following standards. 0000017092 00000 n These values are listed in APA’s Panel Design Specification, Form D510. trailer PLYWOOD DESIGN SPECIFICATION APA The Engineered Wood Association PSE FR ∑ PRGM LBL CLEAR REG HYP x (i) (i) B P/R RTN R BST RND HYP - 1 SIN - 1 COS - 1 x 2 LN LOG % ON f g R/S S GSB R SST GTO x y SIN x COS e x 10 SUPPLEMENT 2 Design And Fabrication Of Glued Plywood-Lumber Beams July 1992 S812,PDS2.0 3/27/00 1:37 PM Page 1 0000004035 00000 n other APA literature, APA publishes separate design section capacities for the various Span Ratings. 0000002641 00000 n These lateral-load values are based upon tests conducted by APA – The Engineered Wood Association. Section 1 identifies some of the basics in selecting, handling, and storing plywood. Plywood manufactured by APA member mills is available in a wide variety of appearance grades, ranging from smooth, natural surfaces suitable for finish work to more economical grades used for sheathing. LAMINATING FIBERGLASS TO PLYWOOD 410 0 obj <> endobj 410 43 Commonly used as a substitute for A-A Exterior where the appearance of one side is less important. 0000011600 00000 n Sign In Failed. 0000008109 00000 n A-P-A-treated-plywood APA-CARB-Document-Formaldehyde-Emissions HDO Specifications MDO Specifications Perma-Panel-Information-Flyer Perma-Panel-Specifications APA Plywood Design Specifications APA PS2-10 Product Standards Special-Boat-Panel-Specifications AraucoPly Specifictions Eagon 15MM Specifications Eagon 18MM Specifications 2/ft) (5) APA MARINE EXT. 7011 S. 19th Street Tacoma WA 98466-5333 USA. D510. © 2018 - 2020 APA – The Engineered Wood Association. Commonly used as a substitute for A-A Exterior where the appearance of one side is less important. Bonded with exterior glue. Performance Issues MULTI-SPAN, NORMAL DURATION OF LOAD, DRY CONDITIONS, PANELS 24 INCHES OR WIDER Span Rating(b) Load Governed By(c) Strength Axis(a) Perpendicular to Supports Span Center-to-Center of Supports (inches) startxref EN 636: Plywood – Specification … By Dana Ohler, APA Date Posted: 6/1/2014 Basics of Engineered Wood Products for Packaging (5) APA MARINE EXT. Smart Packaging Design: Learn the basics of using plywood and OSB to develop custom pallets, contains and bins. The APA Product Support Help Desk is a free service available to answer your questions pertaining to the specification and application of engineered wood products and systems. 0000000016 00000 n APA maintains a vast library of literature regarding plywood. For refined design information on this special-use panel see APA Design/Construction Guide: Concrete Forming, Form No. S812S4 2014 APA The Engineered Wood Association 4www .apawood .org21 Plywood Design Specification, Supplement 212: Design and Fabrication of Glued Plywood-Lumber Beams. Working stresses and other design criteria are given in the PLYWOOD DESIGN SPECIFICATION, abbreviated PDS. The wood strands are mixed with resins, arranged in layers for design strength and … • APA Technical Note: Fastener Loads for Plywood - Screws, Form E830 • APA Plywood Design Specification, Form Y510 • Consumer Information Sheet - Inorganic Arsenical Pressure-Treated Wood • APA Product Guide Preservative-Treated Plywood, Form Q220 • EWS Technical Note; Controlling Decay in Wood Construction, Form R495 0000005049 00000 n Plywood Design Specification, Supplement 512: Design and Fabrication of All-Plywood Beams PLYWOOD DESIGN SPECIFICATION, SUPPLEMENT 5–12 DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF ALL-PLYWOOD BEAMS December 2013 FOREWORD This publication formerly was issued as APA – The Engineered Wood Association Research Report 124-A, Form D410. The International Building Code references APA, Plywood Design Specification 4—Design & Fabrication of Plywood Sandwich Panels for the design of SIPs. 0000017232 00000 n The National Design Specification® for Wood Construction (NDS®) was first issued by the Na-tional Lumber Manufacturers Association (now the American Wood Council) (AWC) in 1944, under the title National Design Specification for Stress-Grade Lumber and Its Fastenings. 0000009720 00000 n To select the appropriate products and floor design, it is essential to ... Category 19/32 plywood APA Rated Sturd-I-Floorc 20 oc Exposure 1 (for joists spaced 16 inches o.c. This edition remains available, along with PDS Supplements #1-5 until various building code references are … End and edge distances are defined in Figure 1. for design and for strong, lasting construction. or less) ... Use only adhesives conforming to APA Specification AFG-01 or ASTM D3498, applied in … Plywood Design Specification APA The Engineered Wood Association PSE FR ∑ PRGM LBL CLEAR REG HYP x (i) (i) B P/R RTN R BST RND HYP - 1 SIN - 1 COS - 1 x 2 LN LOG % ON f g R/S S GSB R SST GTO x y SIN x COS e x 10 PDS,Y510.0 3/27/00 4:45 PM Page 1 Plywood Design Specification; Voluntary Product Standard PS 1-09; Concrete Forming; PS2-10 Performance Standard for Wood-based Structural-use Panels; Proper Selection and Installation of APA Plywood Underlayment; Proper Installation of APA Rated Sheathing for Roof Applications; HDO/MDO Plywood Product Guide 0000011980 00000 n It pres- Design stresses and section properties for plywood conforming to U.S. Finishing Recommendations Waterborne preservatives are readily paintable when dried after treatment. 0000010831 00000 n Reference is also made to corresponding design load in accordance with the 1991 AF&PA National Design Specification for Wood Construction (NDS). (c) Tabulated values are based on the most conservative plywood construction, as shown in Table 6. Available in HDO. Section 2 provides specific details regarding the application of plywood in single or multilayer floor systems, while Section 3 provides APA Specifications and Guidelines. subject to verification through APA audit – a procedure designed to assure manufacture in conformance with APA performance standards and/or U.S. Superior Exterior-type plywood made only with Douglas-fir or Western Larch. Reference is also made to corresponding design load in accordance with the 1991 AF&PA National Design Specification for Wood Construction (NDS). Bonded with exterior glue. 0000019117 00000 n mate lateral loads for bolted plywood joints. Register for Free Access to APA Resources. Design Specification” (Form Y510) or APA Technical Note N375 for allowable working stresses and section properties, or design capacities for plywood. 0000008641 00000 n The 2018 NDS is referenced in the 2018 International Building Code.Significant additions to the 2018 NDS include new Roof Sheathing Ring Shank nails and fastener … Form No. S812SE 2014 APA The Engineered Wood Association E www .apawood .org2 Plywood Design Specification, Supplement 212: Design and Fabrication of Glued Plywood-Lumber Beams Engineered wood products are a good choice for the environment. FOREWORD Voluntary Product Standard PS 1-09, reproduced in the following pages, provides expanded and updated require-ments for producing, market ing, and specifying plywood … Fraction Decimal Weight(c) (psf) Cross Sectional Area, A (in. They are not applicable to other uses. For OSB and Plywood values, refer to 2012 APA Panel Design Specification. xref With more than a dozen common thicknesses and over twenty different grades, plywood is well-suited to a multitude of demanding applications. These design methods indicate where such reductions are necessary, and include means for implementing them. Allowable stresses and other design criteria are given i V345. Aspen Planers Ltd. (Savona Specialty Plywood Co. Ltd.), PR-C302: Roseburg Forest Products Company, ESR-2586: APA – The Engineered Wood Association. The recommended design method is based on recognized engineering formulas, further developed by the United States Forest Products Laboratory, and refined and verified in a series of tests reported in APA – The Engineered Wood Association Revised December 2019. All Rights Reserved. v��O�.�mH�������7y P[X��'��^1=��kNe-���le��f�C$�?�&�F�8�o������ ��6d';��{�Y�x�̞�0�m�T�0C���[ׇ��*DH�{x�z��|�. ADVANTECH® FLOORING MANUFACTURER Veneer in a finished US trademarked plywood panel must conform to one of the six grades listed in the US PS 1-09 standard: N, the highest classification (rarely produced), followed by A, B, C-plugged, C and D. Non-overlaid APA plywood panels come in three levels of … Describes performance standards for structural wood panels and the compositions of different types of APA panels with the Performance Rated designations of APA Rated Sheathing, APA Rated Sturd-I-Floor, and APA Rated Siding. This article includes a number of case studies showcasing the strengths and best uses of engineered wood products. Working stresses and other design criteria are given in the Plywood Design Specification (PDS). The uniform loads in the following tables were calculated using these properties and stresses, or resulting section capacities for the various Span Ratings. 0000002726 00000 n APA’s Plywood Design Specification (PDS), and are recognized by the model building codes. 0000018407 00000 n Information in this Specification applies to untreated (except as noted) wood structural panels made in accordance with Voluntary Product Standard PS 1-07 or PS 2-92, promulgated by the United States Department of Commerce, and/or with APA manufacturing standards and specifications. APA-trademarked plywood is suitable for a variety of end uses including subflooring, single-layer flooring, wall and roof sheathing, sheathing ceiling/deck, structural insulated panels, marine applications, siding, webs of wood I-joists, concrete forming, pallets, industrial containers, mezzanine decks, and furniture. 0000006409 00000 n Available in HDO. 3.3.4. Product Standard PS 1-83 for Construction and Industrial Plywood. These attributes are identified in the APA trademark found on the panel. %%EOF Note:APA Rated Sheathing Exposure 1 plywood, commonly called "CDX" in the trade, is sometimes mistaken as having an Exterior bond classification and erroneously used in applications for which it does not possess the required resistance to weather. 0000020797 00000 n the design values, use recommendations, and qualification or manufacturing requirements of the wood structural panels. These values are listed in APA’s Panel Design Specification, Form D510. ADVANTECH® … This publication formerly was issued as Research Report 124-A, Form D410. This is a free download. 0000012392 00000 n Describes the specification, advantages, applications and finishing recommendations of sanded plywood. Or for additional specification or design assistance, contact the nearest APA regional field office listed on the back cover. Basic plywood strength and stiffness characteristics for a given panel thickness are determined by the wood species group and veneer grade used in the panel makeup. (b) Nominal thickness may vary within Span Rating. Unless otherwise specified by the designer, web butt joints shall be staggered at least 24 inches. Plywood Grades: C-D &D-D. Time-tested panel products are used in traditional wood-frame construction and in combination with other engineered wood products and systems. 0000006345 00000 n 0000002542 00000 n APA: The leading resource for information about engineered wood products and their applications The mark signifies that panel quality is subject to verification through APA audit—a procedure designed to assure manufacture in conformance with APA performance standards or the standard shown in the mark. The wood strands are mixed with resins, arranged in layers for design strength and stability and bonded under heat and pressure. mate lateral loads for bolted plywood joints. Website: www.apawood.org Email: help@apawood.org Tel: +1 (253) 565-6600 Only products bearing the APA trademark are subject to The 2018 National Design Specification (NDS) for Wood Construction was developed by the American Wood Council's (AWC) Wood Design Standards Committee and has been approved by ANSI as an American National Standard. 0000005861 00000 n Access a complete list of APA publications about plywood in APA's Resource Library. Section properties ( a, b ) the predominant thickness for each Span rating is highlighted bold. Tabulated values are apa plywood design specification upon tests conducted by APA – the Engineered Wood Association design.! Concrete Form design and treatment information, refer to APA ’ s Design/Construction Guide: Concrete Forming, No... Issued as research Report 124-A, Form No, applications and finishing recommendations of sanded plywood equivalent gravity. Design stresses and other design criteria are given in the plywood design.. 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posted: Afrika 2013

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