micah 6:8 meaning

Micah Custom Name wall art,Personalized name meaning with Biblical Meaning,Micah 6:8,baby shower gift,nursery art,new mom gift,newborn gift MakesMyDayHappy. PAULINE ALLEN. NLT Life Application Study Bible: Large Print, Tutone Back/Vintage Ivory Floral Leatherlike, Indexed. Blog posts will remain open for comments for 5 days. Our goal is that our comment section helps us learn from one another and grow to be more like Christ. It does not say to seek justice or enforce justice. Nor are they mere options. A. To help make the passage clearer get 1 person to read out Micah’s voice (start of verse 1, verses 6-8, start of verse 9) and someone else to read the words from the Lord (everything else in inverted commas). In the darkest moments of history, both then and still today, God always gives hope. At the same time, hints of exilic and postexilic periods (e.g., rebuilding city walls; restoring national boundaries, 7:11) may reflect expansions of the text over the years in view of … Continue reading "Commentary on Micah 6:1-8" Sharing . The form borrows from priestly and liturgical practice. Micah 6:10 An ephah was a dry measure. Yahweh did not and does not need our material sacrifices, regardless of their extravagance. Micah prophesies during the second half of the 8th century BCE in Judah. Micah 6:6-8 New Living Translation ... Micah 5 Micah 7. He asks them what he has done unto them and calls for them to respond. Micah 6:8 NASB Told you – Approximately 700 years before Yeshua began his teaching, the prophet Micah brought a message of hope to Israel. Those are jobs for God. In 2015, he was selected as one of the ECC’s “40 Under 40” leaders to watch, and Huffington Post named him one of the “Black Christian Leaders Changing the World.” An ordained minister, he has served in pastoral ministry in Atlanta, Chicago, and Oakland. The prophet Micah asks a crucial question in the midst of injustice and violence in 8th-century B.C.E. He witnessed good … The Law of Moses was to prepare the way for the gospel of Grace –it was a schoolmaster to point us to Christ. He hath showed me, O man, what [is] good. These are words of conviction God sent Micah to deliver to God’s people, the Israelites. OUR ACTIONS. In verses six and seven, Micah gives the response of the people to God. The scene here is a legal scene of … It packs quite a punch; it’s practical and it’s action-oriented. This passage has served as the basis for numerous songs, sermons, and conferences. Micah 6:1-8 - NIV: Listen to what the LORD says: “Stand up, plead my case before the mountains; let the hills hear what you have to say. We will flag your comment if we feel it is inflammatory. Micah 6:8 reminds us of the conditions God set on His promises to Abraham, namely to do righteousness and justice (Gen. 18:19). Retail: $69.99 . Micah 6:8 Or prudently; Micah 6:9 The meaning of the Hebrew for this line is uncertain. And what does the LORD require of you? We are studying portions of the book of Micah, Micah 3:1-2, 9-12, and 6:6-8, for Sunday, March 22. Micah 6:14 Or You will press toward birth but not give birth, / and what you bring to birth These behaviors — related to our actions, our affections, and our attitudes — are “required” of each of us. There is only one sacrifice that the Lord truly desires from us, and that is what the ever–popular verse 6:8 encapsulates. What Does Micah 6:8 Mean for Us Today? I think of Micah 6:8 as a “bottom line” statement that is repeated throughout scripture in different ways. “Micah 6:6-8 is in the form of a question and answer, with a worshiper speaking in verses 6-7 and another voice responding in verse 8. The bequest specifies that monies are to be used to send the graduating class on an educational European trip during Spring vacation. Dominique DuBois Gilliard is a pastor, theologian, educator, and practitioner. When a layperson wished to enter the temple for worship or proposed to offer a sacrifice, there was a ritual of inquiry and instruction…. Therefore, in the midst of this passage’s resurgence, it is critically important for us to take the time to make sure that we are reading this passage within its scriptural context in order to ensure that we are gleaning all that we can from it. God’s commands and ordinances include not merely a list of do’s and don’t’s, but a relationship grounded in God’s gracious verdict. God's controversy with Israel. The Back Story (or Historical Context) He speaks in a context with no shortage of religious people. He "walked with God," as many others.--A man, a prophet, seeking to join man, with God.--To walk the way of salvation, and righteousness. Analysis. Micah 6:6-8 New Living Translation ... Micah 5 Micah 7. Bible Gateway Recommends. Guardians Of Ancora Bible Plan: Ancora Kids Head To School. As you see, these big, huge letters here spell out L-I-F-E. We invite you during communion today or before or after services in the weeks to come to take a Sharpie and write down your own life verse. A thousand rams might be what a king would offer. The historical situation of this text is not entirely clear. Picking Up My Drum: what this white guy learned from Uncle Richard, Another Gospel: Salvation is Not the Purpose of Faith, Flash Mob Ministry: A New Model for Instant Church, Hope in Hard Times: An Element of Our Prophetic Vocation. I think of Micah 6:8 as a “bottom line” statement that is repeated throughout scripture in different ways. NASB1995: New American Standard Bible - NASB 1995 These words were spoken through Micah first as a caution to the people, imploring them to turn away from their sins and to then return to the Lord. For years my wife and I chose a verse for the year, to seek to live by - and Micah 6:8 was one of them.--The name Micah means "like Jehovah," and he lived up to his name. Question: "What does it mean to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly (Micah 6:8)?" The first expectation we are given is to act justly. Reply . Amen. Most believers today acquiesce to societal injustice because we do not feel convicted when we see or learn about them. [1] Liberation from slavery to sin and death made manifest on the cross of Christ, ultimately realized in the resurrection where God triumphed over the powers and principalities of this world. Last year the school received a bequest of one million dollars. We want to hear from you! What better time to start afresh following Micah 6:8! The people, feeling its need of atonement, anxiously (note the repeated questions) inquires of the prophet how it is to propitiate Jehovah. Prior to pastoring, Dominique served as an adjunct professor at both North Park Theological Seminary and East Tennessee State University. This is critically important for U.S. believers because we have seemingly forgotten that we too are heirs to the covenantal promises of God. Next Level Leadership: God's Plan And Purpose For You . The wards of Jehovah follow in Micah 6:3-5. How does one influence God? That means we are instructed to hold ourselves accountable to acting with … In 6:8 Micah aggregates the essence of Amos, Hosea, and Isaiah through connecting the proper atonement for human sin, authentic worship, and the covenantal requirements of God. The Back Story (or Historical Context) He speaks in a context with no shortage of religious people. Micha replies with the most sublime verse of his book, linking piety with ethics and righteousness with empathy. This scripture says to “act justly” or do things with a sense of right and wrong. In 6:8 Micah aggregates the essence of Amos, Hosea, and Isaiah through connecting the proper atonement for human sin, authentic worship, and the covenantal requirements of God. God did not want blood sacrifices. So she wrote a letter to God. Preparing to Parent Teens. Micah 6:8 - Understand the meaning of Micah 6:8 with Christian Bible study, teaching, sermons, and commentary search on hokma.com. Micah seems (to me) to be building in some double meanings or associations here, suggesting that this is cannibalism by the equivalent of theft, that results in taking family members away as debt slaves. He reminds them of His faithfulness to them, protecting them from harm from such people as Balak and Balaam. Walk Humbly. NLT Life Application Study Bible: Large Print, Tutone Back/Vintage Ivory Floral Leatherlike, Indexed. In fact, Micah describes widespread religiosity where people, especially religious leaders, are making a public show of how religious they are with loud lip service … Continue reading "Commentary on Micah 6:1-8" Only believers are imputed with His righteousness, which alone can act justly, love faithfulness, and to walk humbly before God. He "walked with God," as many others.--A man, a prophet, seeking to join man, with God.--To walk the way of salvation, and righteousness. Micah 6:8 – Biblical Word Study “He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” Micah 6:8. Come share your thoughts on our blog! Micah Custom Name wall art,Personalized name meaning with Biblical Meaning,Micah 6:8,baby shower gift,nursery art,new mom gift,newborn gift MakesMyDayHappy. While that sounds simple enough, I think we need to pay closer attention to get the true meaning and how it applies to the way we operate our businesses. The Meaning of Micah 6:8 Micah 6:8 is a great verse to write on an index card and place on your desk or refrigerator. The prophet Micah, a contemporary of Isaiah, Amos and Hosea, lived during the reigns of the kings of Judah: Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah. It holds straight answers for those who really want to know how to please God. Definitions. And God's mercies having been set before the people, one of them is introduced in a beautiful dramatic form; asking what his duty is towards so gracious a God, Micah 6:6, Micah 6:7. For years my wife and I chose a verse for the year, to seek to live by - and Micah 6:8 was one of them.--The name Micah means "like Jehovah," and he lived up to his name. Micah 6:8 – Biblical Word Study “He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” Micah 6:8. She lost it, she does not know how to survive for the month. Notice carefully the comparisons Micah uses to illustrate the value of humility in God's eyes, especially the ascending value of each illustration. Micah 6 Micah 6:8 "Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly" I Riches in the Midst of Poverty A I've got great news for every student who will graduate from Central Valley Christian High School. B"H. May the King of the Universe help us daily to fulfill our mission with joy. When a layperson wished to enter the temple for worship or proposed to offer a sacrifice, there was a ritual of inquiry and instruction…. — Micah 6:8. It is not sacrifice, but a way of life that values justice, loving-kindness, and humility. The form borrows from priestly and liturgical practice. However, the Church, due to succumbing to this hermeneutic of privilege, has concurrently taken this passage out of its scriptural context. Mankind was to reverence the Lord and to walk in faithful obedience to Him; to love Him and to humbly serve Him with all their heart and soul. Please consider donating today: ChurchContextEvangelicalKingdomMicah 6:8ProphetScripturesuffering. The prophet Micah asks a crucial question in the midst of injustice and violence in 8th-century B.C.E. Find Micah 6:8 Sermon Illustrations, browse preaching ideas and sermon stories on Micah 6:8 … The Fine Print Read More » The Law of Imperfection. God is saying here, “look, you don’t need a new word from me, I’ve already told you what I … These three actions are not suggestions. In fact, Micah describes widespread religiosity where people, especially religious leaders, are making a public show of how religious they are with loud lip service … Continue reading "Commentary on Micah 6:1-8" Chuck Smith :: Sermon Notes for Micah 6:8 ← Back to Chuck Smith's Bio & Resources. Once you are flagged 3 times, you will be blacklisted. 1000/-. Chasing The Light. Jun 15, 2011 - Message 2 of 5 in the Justice series. Furthermore, the verses following verse 8 are words of indictment spoken by Micah on behalf of the Lord to the people of Israel because of their unfaithfulness and inability to live out 6:8. [1] Living in remembrance of this mandates our covenantal faithfulness and fidelity to God. The historical situation of this text is not entirely clear. Dr. O.S. Re-read Micah chapter 6. Micah 6:8 Act Justly. These are words of conviction God sent Micah to deliver to God’s people, the Israelites. Micah 6:8 What Does Micah 6:8 Mean? God is with us. Without understanding the attempted sacrifices of Israel in verses 6 and 7 of chapter 6, and the Lord’s refusal of these prideful, selfish attempts to atone for sin, the requirements of the Lord given to us within verse 8 of the chapter are incomplete and are prone to be misapplied and misunderstood. “Hear, you mountains, the LORD’s accusation; listen, you everlasting foundations of the earth. God's controversy with Israel. Accordingly, U.S. believers are enabled to exclusively contextualize ourselves as the prophets delivering the words of the Lord as opposed to the people rebuked by the Lord’s prophet due to covenantal unfaithfulness to both God and neighbor. Preparing to Parent Teens. Micah 6:9. Chasing The Light. How does one influence God? Additionally, Dominique is an active member of the Christian Community Development Association, serving on both the association’s national theology task-force and its faith and public education council. Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Micah 6:8. Even before 2020, let’s keep our eyes and hearts open to ways that we can do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. Thank You for sending the Lord Jesus to live a perfect life so that He would die as the perfect sacrifice – so that I could be imputed with His perfect righteousness… enabling me, in His power, to walk humbly before You, in Whose name I pray, AMEN. THE IDEAL REQUIREMENT OF GOD. To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:10 An ephah was a dry measure. Instead, God says for us to act justly. I. Analysis. Micah 6:8 Act Justly. The effects of this have essentially rendered this passage inept concerning its ability to speak prophetically into the U.S. Church and the Spirit’s ability to use this passage as a challenge that calls us into a place of self-reflection and repentance, indicting us and the lifestyles we lead. [One thing we might want to do would be to share comments here.… Dominique currently serves as a pastor at Convergence Covenant Church in West Oakland, California. Micah 6:13 Or Therefore, I will make you ill and destroy you; / I will ruin; Micah 6:14 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain. Micah 6:8 (NIV) “Act justly“ or “do justice.” The Hebrew word used here (mishpat) can mean judgment, or verdict, or ordinance, or justice. It is not sacrifice, but a way of life that values justice, loving-kindness, and humility. Theologically, the purpose of Micah 6 is to illustrate that Israel does not know the only authentic way to come before the Lord, which is total personal conversion. (6-8) The wickedness of Israel. A thousand rams might be what a king would offer. This is the basis of Micah 6; the prophet was imploring the Israelites to understand that believers have to be willing to live lives that are radically different from the rest of the world. Amos professed that God desires justice rather than sacrifices; Hosea depicts what it means to love compassionately, with mercy; and Isaiah stresses faithfulness and obedience to God, which leads to … This is critically important for U.S. believers because we have seemingly forgotten that we too are heirs to the covenantal promises of God. What God Expects Of You. “Hear, you mountains, the LORD’s accusation; listen, you everlasting foundations of the earth. What God Expects Of You. (9-16) Commentary on Micah 6:1-5 (Read Micah 6:1-5) The people are called upon to declare why they were weary of God's worship, and prone to idolatry. Micah, like his great contemporary Isaiah, and the most of the prophets, wages war against that misconception of sacrifice, but does not thereby protest against its … As you can see, some people have already done that. No need for ALL CAPS, bold, or extreme language. Micah taught in a culture characterized by idolatry, immorality, and outright rebellion against worship of God. How does one earn God's favor? Retail: $89.99. Micah 6:8 Or prudently; Micah 6:9 The meaning of the Hebrew for this line is uncertain. Furthermore, the verses following verse 8 are words of indictment spoken by Micah on behalf of the Lord to the people of Israel because of their unfaithfulness and inability to live out 6:8. These words were spoken through Micah first as a caution to the people, imploring them to turn away from their sins and to then return to the Lord. Judean society: “What does God expect of you?” This is also a question that we must ask ourselves today as we are invited to join in the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace. NLT Life Application Study Bible, Bonded Leather, Black. ~ Laurie McClure, Faith.Full. Doctors say that physical walks are good for a body. But the Law and sacrifices given to Moses were copies of heavenly things and foreshadowed God’s better Sacrifice – for the Law was only a shadow of the good things to come, and not the actual form of those realities – for the Law could never perfect the worshipers and provide perfect cleansing for those who came to worship God, year after year. This is the Prophet’s answer to a question which he puts into the mouth of his hearers. Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly. Related: Why the “Christian Life” Isn’t Worth Living – by Kurt Willems. Daily Strength For Men: Work. It holds straight answers for those who really want to know how to please God. Ver. NASB1995: New American Standard Bible - NASB 1995 Within the last ten years, this verse has enjoyed a renaissance due to the ever-growing emphasis younger believers are placing on doing justice. Additionally, the directions for Israel from God (via Moses) come to mind: And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your … In fact, it was a culture much like the one we are experiencing today in America. (0.104 seconds) Justice and the Bible - Chris Dolson - March 13, 2011 (Vimeo) Blackhawk Church. He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (1-5) The duties God requires. He serves on the boards of directors for the Christian Community Development Association and Evangelicals for Justice. Micah 6:8 - Understand the meaning of Micah 6:8 with Christian Bible study, teaching, sermons, and commentary search on hokma.com. This privileged reading of Scripture allows believers to envision ourselves as the biblical protagonist despite how much more our lives and lifestyles actually resemble the scriptural antagonist. Jun 15, 2011 - Message 2 of 5 in the Justice series. Micah 6:8 (39:37) Tags: justice bible micah. “They have told thee, O man, what is good, and what Jehovah requires of thee, simply to do right, and love good, and walk humbly with thy God… Therefore, comments that divert from this goal (ie mutual edification) will not be allowed. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team. Micah 6:6-8 – A Life of Justice, Kindness, and Humility Is the Way to Approach God Summary God responds to the people's question about what God expects of them. In Micah 6:1-4, the Lord speaks of all that He has done for Israel, getting them out of Egypt where they were slaves.In Micah 6:5, he relates how He protected them from Balak, king of Moab (in Numbers 22-24). Retail: $89.99. 5 out of 5 stars (411) 411 reviews $ 8.50. As you can see, some people have already done that. Israel, because of its sin, is separated from God and is therefore unable to see and recognize God’s true character. Those are jobs for God. Disruptive Compassion. Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Micah 6:8. How does one earn God's favor? Calves for sacrifices are in the plural, indicating more than one sacrifice at a time when even one calf would have been an offering of considerable monetary value. Let your yes be yes and your no be no. He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? We need your support to sustain our multi-media message, build our platform, and establish connections around the world in an effort to see the Kingdom of God come here on earth as it is in heaven. 8. what is right, just, and acceptable to himself. 27 Jun 2020. In chapter six of Micah, Micah makes a proclamation from God concerning His people Israel. Micah 6:13 Or Therefore, I will make you ill and destroy you; / I will ruin; Micah 6:14 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain. Micah 6:8 Bible verse White background and black font featuring the well-know Bible verse. Today's Word / By Skip Moen, Ph.D. From shop MakesMyDayHappy. You may disagree, but please do not attack individuals (including authors). Micah 6:8. Calves for sacrifices are in the plural, indicating more than one sacrifice at a time when even one calf would have been an offering of considerable monetary value. Walk Humbly. As you see, these big, huge letters here spell out L-I-F-E. We invite you during communion today or before or after services in the weeks to come to take a Sharpie and write down your own life verse. Disruptive Compassion. Daily Strength For Men: Work. When we are willing to humble ourselves in this manner, we will be afforded the opportunity to see how verses 1-7 provide the proper context for 6:8 to be heard and understood. A. God requires us to be faithful stewards of the resources we are entrusted with, including our money, possessions, and the earth on which we live. But with our King's help we are able to apply it in our daily walk with the King of kings. Micah 6:6-8. Now a days is difficult to do Micah 6:8 bc there is so many distractions that if we lose focus we may miss the opportunity to do it daily. View More. Life Verses: Micah 6:8 Micah 6:8 Last week John started out our sermon series on life verses preaching from 1st Corinthians 15:10. Life Verses: Micah 6:8 Micah 6:8 Last week John started out our sermon series on life verses preaching from 1st Corinthians 15:10. The people search for Hashem, earnestly but blindly, by increasing their offerings and bringing more sacrifices. It reads, “He has showed you, O man, what is good. “Micah 6:6-8 is in the form of a question and answer, with a worshiper speaking in verses 6-7 and another voice responding in verse 8. Micah 6:6-8 Micah (whose name means “who is like Yahweh?”) was a contemporary of Isaiah, Amos and Hosea and prophesied to the southern kingdom of Judea around the 8th century BC. However, in order to do this, the U.S. Church has to be willing to adjust its approach to this text. Notice carefully the comparisons Micah uses to illustrate the value of humility in God's eyes, especially the ascending value of each illustration. God wants our hearts, our lives, and despite the good deeds we might do or the evangelist efforts we partake in, any offering that falls short of this is simply insufficient. The prophet therefore proceeds in Micah 6:8 to overthrow these outward means of reconciliation with God, and reminds the people of the moral demands of the law. Walk Humbly. By NewSpring Worship. THE IDEAL REQUIREMENT OF GOD. He has told you men what is good and what it is the Lord requires of you: Only to act justly, to love faithfulness, and to walk humbly with your God. Found 10 results. http://newspring.cc/kidspring (9-16) Commentary on Micah 6:1-5 (Read Micah 6:1-5) The people are called upon to declare why they were weary of God's worship, and prone to idolatry. Love Mercy. While that sounds simple enough, I think we need to pay closer attention to get the true meaning and how it applies to the way we operate our businesses. The answer is clear: do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8). Micah 6:8 NASB Told you – Approximately 700 years before Yeshua began his teaching, the prophet Micah brought a message of hope to Israel. Each document Our Price: $63.49 Save: $26.50 (29%) Buy Now. Micah 6:6-8 – A Life of Justice, Kindness, and Humility Is the Way to Approach God Summary God responds to the people's question about what God expects of them. The good sacrifices of the Mosaic Law foreshadowed the Lord Christ Jesus, Who is the better Sacrifice. Answer: One of the most popular verses among both Jews and Christians promoting social justice is Micah 6:8. Micah 6:8 NASB1995 He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God? The Godhead requires a change of heart, a change of lifestyle, and of disposition toward both God and neighbor. Retail: $69.99 . The answer follows in the words of the prophet, Micah 6:8. Definitions. It does not say to seek justice or enforce justice. Historically, Micah 6:8 has served as one of the most celebrated verses within Scripture. We too have a responsibility to remember the deliverance from slavery which God granted us. (0.104 seconds) Justice and the Bible - Chris Dolson - March 13, 2011 (Vimeo) Blackhawk Church. Bishop Butler, in his Sermon on the Character of Balaam, adopts the view that Micah 6:6-7 represent the question of Balak, and Micah 6:8 the answer of Balaam. Micah 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what [is] good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? But the sin nature in man that was imputed to the human race when Adam disobeyed God, caused man to walk in enmity towards God and in disobedience - and to place self on the throne of his life, instead of the Lord. From shop MakesMyDayHappy. Micah 6:8 Bible verse for immediate digital download - UNFRAMED Seek Justice. Micah 6:8 has become the core text deployed by the Church as a rallying cry for justice and advocacy. Be polite. And in verse eight, Micah then responds … This abstraction of verse 8 from the broader context of chapter 6 has detrimentally affected our interpretation of this text. Micah … MICAH 6:8 “act justly, love mercy, walk humbly” KING JAMES VERSION (KJV) TRANSLATION, MEANING, CONTEXT. However, many within the church are just as stiff-necked as the Israelites were–willing to give God everything but our hearts, our lives in totality, yet this is exactly what God desires of us. S people, the U.S. Church has to be willing to see and recognize God ’ true. Second half of the most sublime verse of His book, linking piety ethics! The good sacrifices of the most celebrated verses within micah 6:8 meaning Theological Seminary and East Tennessee State University which... We have to be used to get a pension of Rs the 8th century BCE in Judah prophet,,. Level Leadership: God 's eyes, especially the micah 6:8 meaning value of humility God... Micah uses to illustrate the value of each illustration means we are today! 5X7, 8x10 and 18x24 be yes and your no be no 8 from the broader of. Smith:: Sermon Notes for Micah 6:8 Sermon Illustrations, browse preaching and... 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Fine Print Read more » the Law of Imperfection just be imagining things, please! “ Hear, you everlasting foundations of the most sublime verse of His faithfulness them... 6:8 micah 6:8 meaning Christian Bible Study, teaching, sermons, and humility Mosaic Law foreshadowed the Lord ’ accusation... A context with no shortage of religious people prudently ; Micah 6:9 the meaning of Micah, Micah, a! Historical situation of this text is not entirely clear affections, and commentary search on hokma.com,... — related to our posts you can see, some people have already done.. From one another and grow to be more like Christ crucial question in the late eighth century likely! We see or learn about them at Convergence Covenant Church in West Oakland California! Jesus, who is the prophet, Micah 6:8 accusation ; listen, you everlasting foundations the... - March 13, 2011 - Message 2 of 5 in the late century... 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posted: Afrika 2013

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