Comments due: September 5, 2017 . IARP is an association dedicated to Rehabilitation Professionals by serving over 2500 members across 30 chapters. Five Things Student Affairs Professionals Can Do to Support International Students, A Collaborative and Integrated International Student Orientation Experience, Virtual Live Briefings, Short Courses, & Engagement Events, min. International Retail Management ALDI SÜD/HOFER (M.A.) Serving as a delegate on an exchange is a dynamic professional and personal development experience. The Pie (Professionals in International Education) Vernetzt mit 1 Kandidat Mandate nach Gehaltsklassen: Direktansprache. From adviser to manager to policy maker, the International Education Professional Competencies offer everyone working in international education a direction for professional success. ARMA International is a community of information management and information governance professionals who harness the strategic power of information. The International Education Professional Competencies™ is organized into four key professional practice areas—Comprehensive Internationalization, Education Abroad, International Enrollment Management, and International Student and Scholar Services—as well as cross-cutting competencies, which describe the shared skills and knowledge needed across all international education domains. Last update: 14/04/2017. Then you need to read The PIE Review magazine, brought to you quarterly by the team behind The PIE News. A COMMUNITY FOR YOUNG INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION PROFESSIONALS AROUND THE NATION'S CAPITAL If you are a young international education professional in or around Washington, DC, yPIE DC is here to support you on your professional growth. Association of International Educators (NAFSA) is the leading professional association dedicated to international education. Do you want to keep up to date with the latest insights and trends in the sector? Post your Job. Check out what's new with NASPA & the field of student affairs. The IDF Curriculum is designed to meet the needs of local health professionals, institutions and organizations.It can be adapted to suit local contexts. The Master of Professional Education Program in the field of International Education is a FULLY ONLINE two-year course-based program designed to enhance individuals’ capacities to proactively and ethically engage the expanding opportunities and challenges emerging at multiple levels in the internationalizing education movement. We set the standards and best practices that address the full information lifecycle. Scholarships cover the full course fee, however accommodation, travel and meals are the responsibility of the participant or her/his institution. Japan-U.S. Research Grants. Resources and information to support K–12 and higher education professionals in helping students prepare for college and career. This list contains both our “Hosted Events,” workshops and webinars that we plan and manage, and some “Related Events,” hosted by the NASPA Central Office or other NASPA Constituent Groups. Download a copy of Hiring Manager Questions: In Alignment with the NAFSA International Education Professional Competencies™. Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA) is the premier professional organization for consultants who focus exclusively on helping high school students realize their full … To address the strong concerns that have arisen across the world about equity gaps within education as a result of the closure of schools and other educational settings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global federation of education unions has published a Guide for its member … 12 months in length. Melden Sie sich an um die Gehaltsklassen der Stellenausschreibungen zu sehen. When it comes to managing an organization’s … We have five rehabilitation practice sections and provide resources and networking opportunities within our community. Florida, United States About Blog A blog for information, … ... Blog: Succeeding Globally Through International Education and Engagement (November 2018) Who We Are Bay Area Young Professionals in International Education (BAYPIE) is a volunteer-run professional and social network for international education professionals. Each competency statement reflects three main professional functions: The competency statements are also divided into “Responsibilities” and “Knowledge,” with “Responsibilities” referring to the skills required as part of the function or role and “Knowledge” referring to the knowledge needed to accomplish the responsibilities listed in the corresponding category. The NASPA International Exchange Program is pleased to announce our partnerships for 2020. CALDO - First founded in 2011 by four of Canada’s top-tier Universities, CALDO’s main focus is on sponsored graduate students, bilateral student mobility and research collaboration. Event and Meeting Professional Education Begin the next stage in your career. NASPA's international exchange program has been in existence since the mid-1990s. Read the Report. This inventory is intended to define the professional knowledge, skills, and abilities expected of international education professionals working in the United States, regardless of their area of specialization or role within the field. Download your copy of the NAFSA International Education Professional Competencies™. International Education Professionals. Created by a group of NAFSA member leaders and reviewed by numerous international education experts, the NAFSA International Education Professional Competencies™ forms the basic building blocks of the international education profession. Courses and training programs vary in timeframes as well as in schedules so enrollees can take full advantage of acquiring their education. Adele Harper, Co-chair. You do not have to attend the national conference or International Symposium in order to win. The exchange program is reciprocal in nature where NASPA coordinates delegations from the USA to be hosted by institutions in other countries and NASPA sister associations coordinate delegations to visit the USA. The NASPA IEKC Resources page strives to collect articles, blogs, and other resources helpful to those interested in International Education and experiences. IERF supports research in the field of international education. Training. Welcome to A.P.I.E. The International Education Professional Competencies™ is organized into four key professional practice areas—Comprehensive Internationalization, Education Abroad, International Enrollment Management, and International Student and Scholar Services—as well as cross-cutting competencies, which describe the shared skills and knowledge needed across all international education domains. The International Education Professional Competencies™ is organized into four key professional practice areas—Comprehensive Internationalization, Education Abroad, International Enrollment Management, and International Student and Scholar Services—as well as cross-cutting competencies, which describe the shared skills and knowledge needed across all international education domains. The International Educators Training Program (IETP) is pleased to be able to offer a limited number of scholarships to international education professionals in Canada to attend the following courses. Madrid, Mönchengladbach (ots) -- 400 Santander Scholarships Tech | Emerging Technologies Programme von MIT Professional Education … Announcing our International Exchange Partnerships. Childhood Education International has worked at the intersection of education, human development, and international development since 1892. International Education Training Center (IETC) serves educators from public, private and international schools seeking research-based best practice professional development, and is committed to continuously refining and improving the training model through the process of Research – Practice – Application. Follow us on TwitterLike us on FacebookConnect with us on LinkedIn, NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Copyright 1998-2020. ARMA International is a community of information management and information governance professionals who harness the strategic power of information. For additional information, contact us at 651-379-7290. The IAAP Foundation invests in the success of office and administrative professionals by supporting innovative research, educational and professional development … Whether you are looking for the latest news or job updates or simply want to keep a finger on the pulse of the international education community, NAFSA has a number of easy ways to stay updated—all in your preferred social media platform. Now more than ever emerging international education professionals need to be involved in decision making – businesses now recognise the power of diversity of thought in boardrooms, but this has yet to translate in our education institutions effectively, despite these institutions promoting themselves as student-centred. Program Locations. Sepmeyer Award. To address the strong concerns that have arisen across the world about equity gaps within education as a result of the closure of schools and other educational settings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global federation of education unions has published a Guide for its member … The IEKC hosts Live Briefings through the NASPA Online Learning Community on topics related to international education. Melden Sie sich an um die Gehaltsklassen der Stellenausschreibungen zu sehen. Announcing the new iaedp™ Bookstore!! Last update: 14/04/2017. Association of International Educators (NAFSA) is the leading professional association dedicated to international education. Are you a Professional working in International Education? Please contact Ken Guan ( for more information. We are pleased to provide quick and easy access to a collection of member authored publications as well as both required and suggested reading for iaedp™ Certification and Educational Designation available for purchase. Research Grants. The Office of International Affairs partners with Ohio State academic units and colleges to facilitate, develop and manage study abroad programs and other credit-bearing international opportunities (e.g. Welcome to PIER The world's largest education agent and provider platform. Description. The IDF Curriculum is designed to meet the needs of local health professionals, institutions and organizations.It can be adapted to suit local contexts. The Best Practices in International Education Award seeks to recognize domestic and international colleagues and institutions for exceptional work related to international higher education. Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Professional Education. This Exposure Draft was developed and approved by the International Accounting Education Standards Board™ (IAESB™). International Standards for Education of Diabetes Health Professionals. Education International Launches Guide on Auditing Educational Equity in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic. List of international professional associations. Provides you with specially trained Collaborative lawyers, mental health and financial professionals to educate, support and guide you in reaching balanced, respectful and lasting agreements. We are dedicated to education and networking opportunities for meeting planning professionals IAESB. Education International Launches Guide on Auditing Educational Equity in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic. In the International Education Policy (IEP) Program, you will explore some of the most challenging issues facing teachers and learners worldwide — how to educate students in refugee camps; how to improve girls education in Afghanistan; how to deliver effective HIV/AIDS education in Malawi; how to help young people develop the skills they need in the 21st century — and be International and US programs will be honored for their commitment to advancing the dialogue and practice around international higher education in 4 different categories: Intercultural Awareness and Programming, International Programming, Student Abroad Programming and Student Affairs Professional Global Partnership. We offer you two flavours of our MaastrichtMBA: Executive MBA and EuroMBA Online. Stephen M. Ferst, executive director, Center for International Service, College of Staten Island, City University of New York, “As a senior international officer, I will use these competencies to work with my staff to hone skills and knowledge. Best Practices in International Education Award. NAFSA: Association of International Educators, the world’s largest association dedicated to international education and exchange, invites you to the NAFSA 2021 Annual Conference & Expo! The aims and scope of the journals are to: • Provide a journal that reports research on topics that are of international significance across educational contexts The mission of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) is to define, promote and improve the accessibility profession globally through networking, education and certification in order to enable the creation of accessible products, content and services. Banco Santander und MIT Professional Education starten 400 internationale Stipendien zur Ausbildung digitaler Skills Fields of Study. NASPA is a member-centered association supporting a diverse and passionate network of 15,000 professionals and 1,200 institutions across the globe. Our work bridges cultural and geographical divides to continue growing student affairs across the globe. We offer a multitude of education offerings scheduled throughout the year to advance your career and improve the overall effectiveness of the organization. Since professional licensure is generally regulated at the state level, it is usually necessary to obtain a separate license for each state in which one wishes to practice. MaastrichtMBA is an international, state-of-the-art, two-year part-time master programme targeted at professionals worldwide who would like to advance their management and leadership skills to boost their career and broaden their knowledge of business administration. The Institute of International Education has a long history of providing emergency assistance to students and scholars facing emergencies around the world. Offers you a safe and dignified environment to reduce the conflict and minimize its impact on you, your children, your family and your life. The . To see a full listing of NASPA events, please see the Events page. Through a wide variety of educational programs sponsored by the U.S. government, corporations, foundations and foreign governments, we annually work with thousands of U.S. and international educational institutions and more than 29,000 students, scholars, and professionals around the globe. ARMA provides educational resources, professional certification, and unparalleled networking opportunities. Jetzt durchstarten 1 Mitarbeiter 1 Branche 2 Funktionen 0 offene … The 2020 Open Doors® Report on International Educational Exchange, released today, reveals that for the fifth consecutive year the United States hosted more than one million international students (1,075,496) during the 2019/2020 academic year. Find out if IEM is right for you Guaranteed $10K Scholarships Berklee College of Music, Assistant Director for International Student SuccessBerklee College of Music, Assistant ProfessorWestern Michigan University, Associate Dean of StudentsUniversity of Massachusetts-Boston. Coronavirus Updates for All College Board Programs ... Find College Board events and workshops—local, national, international, and online. A dynamic program features prominent speakers, panels of distinguished professionals from around the word, interactive roundtables, and an excellent opportunity to develop global networks and friendships. Jetzt durchstarten Ausschreibungen. Professional training and continuing development in implant dentistry – for all areas of implant dentistry, on all skill levels. 03.12.2020 – 14:37. International education refers to a dynamic concept that involves a journey or movement of people, minds, or ideas across political and cultural frontiers. This application is for individuals seeking further education (i.e., admission, transfer credit, etc. The number of health professionals who demonstrate a solid understanding of the principles of diabetes care and education is inadequate to meet the needs of the growing number of people with or at risk for diabetes worldwide. Program Details. Then you need to read The PIE Review magazine, brought to you quarterly by the team behind The PIE News. Established in 2015, BAYPIE connects professionals in the Bay Area with a passion for international education. Overview of our educational offering, local and international. Proposed International Education Standard IES™ 7 Continuing Professional Development (Revised) Exposure Draft June 5, 2017 . “CBIE has been a source of leadership, inspiration and support for professionals in international education for decades. Assistant Director of International Student Success NASPA has many organizations and groups that tailor your NASPA experience to your location, professional level, and institution type. The MPI Academy provides meeting and event planning certificate programs that enhance critical job skills on topics essential to meeting and event professionals. This year’s award timeline is as follows:Application Deadline: November 1 each yearWinners will be announced in December each year and receive their awards at the International Symposium. I am certain that it will transform the way we, as international educators, and other university administrators and faculty see the field and the skills necessary for success." Last update: 14/04/2017. In 2005, the Government of Canada launched the Internationally Trained Workers Initiative (ITWI) delivering on its commitment to improve the integration of immigrants and internationally trained Canadians into the workforce.The ITWI is made up of several integrated components and strategies, including the Internationally Educated Health Professionals Initiative (IEHPI). With specialists in over 35 nations, we continue to fulfill our mission of seeking innovative solutions to education challenges by providing professional development opportunities, technical assistance, and consultation services around the world. Press Releases. News 12.04.2020 Dickinson College, IIE Announce Innovative, New Partnership. The International Association of Employee Assistance Professionals in Education (IAEAPE) is an association of employee assistance professionals who work in educational settings.It seeks to enhance program and professional development for those who assist faculty, staff, families, and institutions in dealing with problems which might interfere with personal well-being and work performance. We encourage you or your senior leadership team to consider participating in one of the outbound exchanges to learn more about higher education from a different vantage point. Santander Consumer Bank AG. 7. The IEKC plays a key role with helping NASPA and the International Symposium Chairs organize this event. Destinations International is the definitive resource for professional development in the destination organization industry. If you have something to contribute as we grow this database, please submit via email to Daniel Kim. Training. As higher education continues to evolve, NASPA serves a leading role in the innovations that are shaping the future of student affairs. Infotermine; Unternehmensspezifische Studienprogramme. Our 43-credit, three-semester curriculum includes a four- to six-month professional practicum in the U.S. or abroad. Career Print brings the International Education Professional Competencies™ into an interactive online assessment that allows individuals and teams to calibrate their skills and knowledge. IERF provides training in credentials evaluations for institutions that work with international applicants. We set the standards and best practices that address the full information lifecycle. We invite you to apply for our Germany exchange (June 2020) by visiting the International Exchange Program website. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Through the Emergency Student Fund (ESF), IIE is able to respond Emergency Student Fund Program Types. By completing the online assessment, users can identify areas for individual growth and, upon completion of the assessment, are provided a list of professional development opportunities and resources. The Middlebury Institute Master of Arts in International Education Management (IEM) is designed specifically to help you find a career in this rapidly growing field. International Curriculum for Diabetes Health Professional Education. The IPA is a legally registered entity in US and is one of the most authoritative certification agencies in the world. This is a list of professional associations which are international organizations. Adele is a Senior Admissions Officer at the University of Notre Dame Australia where she oversees the international student admissions and assessment process. The International 250 Vesey Street New York, New York 10281 Phone: (212) 373-8738 Email: [email protected] Learn more about College Board International.College Board International. These organizations are either chartered by international bodies or by relevant national professional associations from multiple countries. Meeting Professionals International is the largest meeting planner and event planner industry association worldwide. This paper explores the professional development needs of leaders in response to emergent demands for leadership and competing pressures within the changing landscape of Australian international education. As a young professional in international education, networking is one of the most important things you can do to help advance your career. "This resource will surely serve as one of the more indispensable tools of any international education administrator’s library. If you have questions about these exchanges, contact Jeanine Ward-Roof via email at or telephone at 231-591-3578. Career Print is an online self-assessment platform grounded in NAFSA’s International Education Professional Competencies™ that identifies areas for individual growth and professional development. For over 20 years, the NASPA International Symposium has been organized prior to NASPA annual conference as a key venue for professional collaboration and exchange in the field of student affairs between international and American colleagues. Whether you are looking for a transformational in-person experience, or wanting to learn and engage from where you are, NASPA has the perfect professional development for you. ARMA provides educational resources, professional certification, and unparalleled networking opportunities. It was originally developed in response to the need for health professionals to have specialized, evidenced-based training in diabetes education. Submit applications here:, For more information please contact Ken Guan ( College of Professional and International Education 6300 E. State University Dr. Suite 104 Long Beach, California 90815 She has a passion for international education and professional development for young professionals. This IES is effective from January 1, 2020. We value the friendly and open-minded communication with all colleagues in CBIE. Are you a Professional working in International Education? Read more ⇒ France: language schools to be protected Any member of the IEKC can host a Live Briefing about a hot topic, best practice or interest related to international education. Full-time study. student exchanges, third party provider and direct enroll programs, service learning, internships, research abroad) for Ohio State students. Professional Software Engineering (M.Sc.) Welcome to PIER The world's largest education agent and provider platform. Professional Studies at Queen’s University offers professional development courses and programs that will help you succeed in today’s workplace. For bespoke help with hiring and to outsource the entire process, we also recommend The PIE Exec Search consultancy. Why use the same recruitment channels when we offer global visibility and enable you to broaden your search among professionals in international education? ), professional licensing/certification (in certain fields), employment & salary adjustment, and immigration. One of the best resources available to you is the wide range of professional development opportunities. Knowing your goals, with whom to talk, timing, and what to say is an art—and an important one at that. Do you want to keep up to date with the latest insights and trends in the sector? When it comes to managing an organization’s … IERF provides resources for professionals in the international community. NAFSA is working with some of the most resilient and innovative professionals around the world to rebuild the field and plan for the future. The program is designed to expose administrators to global practices of student affairs and services. Professional Software Engineering CGI (M.Sc.) International Education Financial Aid Blog. | Site by Unleashed Technologies, Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Accessibility, International Education Professional Competencies, David L. Di Maria, associate provost for international programs, Montana State University, Using NAFSAs International Education Professional Competencies for Team Development and Hiring Purposes, Using NAFSA’s International Education Professional Competencies for Team Development and Hiring Purposes: Part 2. Education Standards for Professional Accountants and Aspiring Professional Accountants (2015) are set out in the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) Glossary of Terms (2015). For. Academic and Professional International Evaluations (APIE) is dedicated to assisting individuals, colleges and universities, immigration attorneys, state licensing boards, and other agencies in the interpretation of foreign educational programs in terms of US equivalents. Programs for Health Care Professionals International Diabetes Center offers education programs for primary care physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, dietitians, diabetes educators, pharmacists, students and interns. This key resource will help me assess the areas I need to build on my team and help staff be strategic about their professional development.” David L. Di Maria, associate provost for international programs, Montana State University. … A7–A8) 8. Sepmeyer Award – Excellence in Credentials Evaluation Research. Please contact Janelle Rahyns ( for more information. £250. There are several exchanges scheduled and a few more will be added. College Board International. This includes satellite symposia at annual medical association meetings, as well as smaller live regional events where community-based health professionals can hear from leading experts. The International Profession Certification Association (IPA) is an international association dedicated to the certification of professional qualifications. SCE International offers three executive professional development programs for international students to further develop their education with practical projects and social skill building for a truly Canadian University experience. NAFSA. In some instances, reciprocity agreements are in place to make it easier for someone who already holds a license in one state to obtain a license in another state. Promotion. Objective (Ref: Para. Founded in 1948, NAFSA: Association of International Educators, is the largest nonprofit association dedicated to international education and exchange. 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