Causes of the Second Punic War 1722 Words | 7 Pages. Hamilcar spent four years fighting the tribes of southern Spain in a a bloody war; he drowned in a battle at the Jucar River, whilst drawing the Oretani away whilst his son Hannibal made his escape by another route. Clearly, there was fault by both Carthage and Rome for the beginning of the Second Punic War. Later Roman writers (e.g. Second Punic War - Battle of Baecula 208 BC. Causes of the Second Punic War. Carthage violated the Peace Treaty set in place at the end of the Second Punic War, and Rome ended up burning them to the ground. Following their defeat in the First Punic War and the loss of territory in Sicily, Carthage built up a new empire in Spain. Test. both to this passage, and to your knowledge of Livy as a writer. The war was begun by Philip V of Macedonia, who was worried about Roman expansion in Illyria, on his western border. Because of the peace treaty made between Rome and Carthage after the Second Punic War, Carthage was paying Rome 200 silver talents(1 Roman talent = 32 kilograms) every year for 50 years. In his account of the Battle of Zama, Livy goes further and makes Hannibal This showed his skill at using PLAY. Rome and Carthage were in competition for trade across and along the Mediterranean Sea The Roman Senate responded favorably, and ignored the pledge. CHAPTER 6. The Second Punic War (aka The Hannibalic War) was fought between Carthage and Rome between 218 and 201 BCE. The cause of the Second Punic War is an issue of some great debate. The Second Punic War was often known as Hannibal’s War in Rome.It was in a real sense the personal war of Hannibal. The fault for the beginning of the Second Punic War can not be placed on a single nation. chronologcal order, adding a date where possible: Roman envoys go to Carthage and declare war. Polybius rightly regarded the latter action as unjustified and the subsequent Carthaginian resentment as a major cause of the Second Punic War. Below is a discussion of the origins of the second great war between Carthage and Rome. Does the sequence of events help you decide for yourself Massinissa & the Second Punic War (218-201 BC) - Duration: 9:38. During the 'Truceless War' (a revolt of mercenaries, 241-237bc), the Roman took advantage of Carthage's weakness to send Sempronius Gracchus to conquer Sardinia and Corsica; the Carthaginians - especially Hamilcar - regarded this as treachery and vowed revenge. Soon after,Hamilcar conquered the silver mines of Andalusia, defeating the local tribes (allegedly) by putting an army of 50,000 to flight by mutilating and executing their king (whom he had captured) in front of them; archaeologists have discovered that he started minting silver coins almost immediately. The Second Pinic War: The Causes Of The Second Punic War 938 Words | 4 Pages. The Second Pinic War: The Causes Of The Second Punic War 938 Words | 4 Pages. 1-5 on the Start of the War Punic Wars, also called Carthaginian Wars, (264–146 bce), a series of three wars between the Roman Republic and the Carthaginian (Punic) empire, resulting in the destruction of Carthage, the enslavement of its population, and Roman hegemony over the western Mediterranean… the relevant sections of Polybius and Livy; consider how Punic Wat. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Explain the significance of Hamilcar Barca in Carthaginian politics. Even though the main cause of the second war was the war on Saguntum you must go back all the way to the ending of the First War. Hannibal, however, never attained the goal of creating a major division between Rome and its allies. In 226bc, when Roman ambassador arrived (showing the Rome was becoming The Second Punic War (218–201 BC) was the second of three wars fought between Carthage and Rome, the two main powers of the western Mediterranean in the 3rd century BC. The Punic Wars were clashes between titans and were arguably the largest wars of the time period as the two participants were some of the most powerful nations of the time. These theories would tend to The Roman Senate responded favorably, and ignored the pledge. The Second Punic War (spring 218 – 201 BC), also referred to as The Hannibalic War and by the Romans the War Against Hannibal, was the second of three Punic Wars between the Roman Republic and Carthage, with the participation of Macedonia and Syracuse polities and Numidian and Iberian forces on both sides. This period is recounted as one of the most historic and memorable conflicts to occur within Roman history. connections to ensure that the War Party dominated the Mighty Ones.. Iber (probably the Ebro, but one historian thinks it was the Jucar) as Trade was renewed, and Punic merchants were as familiar a sight in Rome as Italians seem to have been in Carthage. Carthage had lost the First Punic War (264-241 BCE) and control of Sicily, then again it had been defeated in the Second Punic War (218-201 BCE) and so lost its Spanish empire, its fleet, and independence of military action. The following web pages will help you complete the task. Dating back to 509BC, two great powers of the Mediterranean - Rome and Carthage - had friendly treaties with each other. - beginnings/ origins/ foundations) of the war; he did not criticise the He had lost his power over Mediterranean Sea; losing Sicily and the compensation imposed on him by Rome greatly affected his economy. where was the second punic war fought. Links: Though some of the authors justify his actions to an extent, Hannibal’s invasion of Saguntum is pinpointed as the immediate cause of the Second Punic War. Did Hannibal cause the Second Punic War? generals of the second punic war . How far do the ancient sources support this opinion? How far do the ancient sources support this opinion? The primary causes of the three Punic Wars in an easy to understand format. Over the next decades, Rome took over control of both Corsica and Sardinia as well, but Carthage was able to establish a new base of influence in … The main reasons for the Second or Hannibalic War were the ambition and pride of prominent military generals and a poorly configured political agreement. power of Hannibal. The Battle of the Great Plains, also known as the Battle of Campi Magni or the Battle of Bagrades, was a battle fought between Scipio Africanus of Rome and a combined Carthaginian and Numidian army late in the Second Punic War, designed as diversionary tactic by Rome to disrupt Hannibal's attack on Italy. Hannibal left Carthago Nova sometime in May, and reached the Rhone in September. Carthage continually showed their aggressive nature and desire for war while Rome seemed reluctant. here, but I - although I am prepared to see the war Rome thought it would be easy to defeat Hannibal, but Hannibal was full of surprises, including his manner of entering the Italic peninsula from Spain. During the 'Truceless War' (a revolt of mercenaries, 241-237bc), the Roman took advantage of Carthage's weakness to send Sempronius Gracchus to conquer Sardinia and Corsica; the Carthaginians - especially Hamilcar - regarded this as treachery and vowed revenge. Hannibal, however, never attained the goal of creating a major division between Rome and its allies. it 'the Wrath of Hamilcar'. Although the Second Punic War spread to Greece, the fighting there, known as the First Macedonian War (215-205 BC) was something of a side issue, and involved almost no Punic troops, and rarely more than a single Roman legion. Write the following events onto cards, and sort them in Explain the causes of the Second Punic War a. Sardinia, 237bc. what were the results of the second punic war. B. C. 334. Less well known, are the causes of the Second Punic War. The Barcid was the main driver of the conflict between Carthage and Rome. Scipio defeated the remaining Carthaginian forces in Spain, which placed Spain under Roman control. Second Punic War begins. Scipio Africanus Goes to North Africa 204 BC. Browse. wanted to grow its Navy as quickly as possible and did so by adding ships, which gave The Romans were also a force to be reckoned with. The causes of the First Punic War were mainly clashes of economic interests. Saguntum and the Ebro were the occasion, not the causes, of the war. to be a friend to Rome is not true, it is clear that he communicated to Posted February 27, 2010 at 5:34 PM Third Punic War. reliable you think these sources are. [4], In your The Second Punic War occurred between 218-201 BC. once again after the First Punic War (264 to 241 BC). Polybius rightly regarded the latter action as unjustified and the subsequent Carthaginian resentment as a major cause of the Second Punic War. OCR Textbook. Cause and Effect of the Punic Wars . Briefly describe the life and significance of Hasdrubal the Fair. Frustrated at sea by … Second Punic War.' However, tensions developed as the economic interests of each party began to leave no room for the other. History Time 44,512 views. Spell. say explicitly: 'It was I who first began this war against the Roman people'. (The word “Punic,” later the name for the series of wars between Carthage and Rome, was derived from the Latin word for Phoenician.) Even though the main cause of the second war was the war on Saguntum you must go back all the way to the ending of the First War. The Punic Wars were a series of three wars between 264 and 146 BC fought by the states of Rome and Carthage.The First Punic War broke out in Sicily in 264 BC as a result of Rome's expansionary attitude combined with Carthage's proprietary approach to the island. The primary purpose of the dissertation is to examine the causes of the Second Punic War as given by two prominent ancient historians, Polybius and Livy, the key sources for the modern reader studying the conflict. to the questions which follow: Livy, Book 21, Chapter 21 Now that Saguntum had fallen to him, Hannibal retired to his winter quarters at New Carthage. Hannibal besieged the town under the pretext that the Sagunto attacked one of the tribes, which were under Carthage authority. against the Romans. opinion, how reliable is Livys account of the causes of the Second Punic Second Punic War events The cause of Second Punic War Bust of Hannibal discovered in Capua. Even though the main cause of the second war was the war on Saguntum you must go back all the way to the ending of the First War. When the Carthaginian government under Hanno refused to pay Hamilcar's army, the mercenaries mutinied; Hamilcar joined with Hanno to lead the Carthaginian forces in the bloody war which suppressed them. Search. occasioned the war by breaking the Ebro Treaty ... when he didn't? Involving a wide range of prominent figures, the Second Punic War was due to an ever-growing and rising conflict between Carthage and Rome. Although Rome’s actions were not directly offensive, they set up a path for Carthaginians with very few options. read Mr Clare's article on it. South of the river Ebro, Sagunto was only sea town (it was Hellenized Iberian city), which did not obeyed to Carthaginians, but it entered into an alliance with Rome. Livy blamed Hannibal. Hamilcar built up a 'war party' in Carthage, allying himself through the marriage of his daughter to the influential Carthaginian Hasdrubal the Fair; this was why, when the Roman delegates offered 'peace or war' in 218bc, the Assembly supported Hannibal and chose war. Use the notes above to write answers to questions why did rome win the second punic war. By contrast, however, Yorkshire historian Frank Walbank (1957) did not accept that Carthaginian expansion in Spain was anti-Roman, but thought it was just an attempt to restore Carthages trading fortunes and empire after the loss of Sicily and Sardinia. The treaty between Hannibal and Philip V of Macedon clearly envisaged Rome's continuing existence after a Carthaginian victory. [30]. [5]. The campaigns in Spain alarmed the Romans who,in 226bc, signed a treaty with Hasdrubal limiting Carthaginian influence to the Ebro River which in the end led to the Second Punic War. Hamilcar established his base at Gades (Cadiz), then conquered the silver mines of Andalusia, then systematically conquered the Iberian peninsula in a series of bloody campaigns; he drowned in a battle at the Jucar River, whilst drawing the Oretani away whilst his son Hannibal made his escape by another route. First Punic War Effect . Accordingly, this war has captured. Hannibal, leading the Barcid Empire, and allied to the Carthagians, crossed the Alps and invaded Italy in a series of highly successful battles. The Causes of the Second Punic War . You can read my full reasoning on my blog-post Total War History: The First Punic War (Part 1/4) - … This raises a very large question on the part of Polybius. Create. The causes of the war were a result of both Roman and Carthaginian actions. Even if the story of Hamilcar making his son at the age of 9 swear never There was no clear victor and the terms set by the Romans were extremely harsh. 'Mighty Ones' supported Hannibal and chose war. 1 Introduction The Second Punic War, also referred to as the Hannibalic War, raged on from 218 B.C. Background; Hannibal takes the initiative (218–213 BC) Hannibal's Overland Journey; First Roman expedition to Iberia Log in Sign up. had still been in control? THE SECOND PUNIC WAR 218-201 BC. He was killed by a Celt assassin as revenge for crucifying the man's other historians because their facts were chronologically wrong, but on the academic quibble that which led soo after to the march on Italy - the question is, would the Causes of Punic Wars The cause of this war was mainly the interest of the Roman Republic in expanding southwards by conquering Sicily, a territory that was dominated by Carthaginian Empire. Carthage, located in North Africa, on the shores of what is now known as Tunisia, was a commercial empire that had an incomparable maritime army at the time, which controlled the entire western Mediterranean. Battle of Cannae 216 BC. The Second Punic War-In 226, the Romans pledged to not interfere with anything south of the Ebro River, but after the first punic war, a city named Saguntum, south of the Ebro River, asked Rome for help against the Carthaginians. The Second Punic War broke out in B.C. him a lifelong hatred of Rome and a desire for revenge - Polybius called In 219 BC Carthaginian general Hannibal besieged Saguntum, the last Spanish city south of the river Ebro not under Carthaginian control.Saguntum was an ally of Rome, so Hannibal's attack provoked the Second Punic War. In both wars, the Carthaginians had also been made to pay Rome massive reparations. The Third Punic War was the third and last of the Punic Wars fought between Carthage and Rome, and lasted from 149 to 146 BC.The war was fought entirely within Carthaginian territory, in modern northern Tunisia.When the Second Punic War ended in 201 BC, one of the terms of the peace treaty prohibited Carthage from waging war without Rome's permission. Second Punic War (218-201 B.C.) The cause of Second Punic War Bust of Hannibal discovered in Capua. That's the most honest answer I can give. of Spain gave the Carthaginians the confidence to go to war again Other theories to explain this e.g. revenge. Hamilcar Barca wanted revenge on Rome for his father's death and brought an army over the Alps. , at being forced to surrender Sicily to the Romans during the First Punic War and also to pay 2200 talents within ten years, and 1000 talents immediately (a talent is 25 kg of silver). Start studying Cause and Effect of the Punic Wars. Causes of the Second Punic War Some historians of the Hannibalian war, when they wish The origin of the 2d Punic war; to point out to us the causes of this contest between Rome and Carthage, allege first the siege of Saguntum by the Carthaginians, and, secondly, their breach of treaty by crossing the river called by the natives the Iber. The Carthaginians were led by Hannibal, one of the most gifted commanders in history, but the Romans had their own great general Scipio Africanus, an… Explain why The Second Punic War broke out in 218bc. He founded Carthago Nova (In Punic 'Qart Hadasht' = simply 'New Town', = 'Carthage without the 'New' - i.e. The problem of Polybius These were the … Briefly describe the life and achievements of Hamilcar Barca. Both nations took decisive actions that forced them towards the war. diplomacy ... but it also ended up as one of the causes of the Second in the end led to the Second Punic War - Polybius said that the conquest The treaty between Hannibal and Philip V of Macedon clearly envisaged Rome's continuing existence after a Carthaginian victory. rome's ability to adapt to war and their numbers. Explain the causes of the Second Punic War a. Sardinia, 237bc. The Roman historian Nepos (1st century bc) pedalled a rumour that Hamilcar was homosexual, and in a relationship with Hasdrubal the Fair (which is why he married his daughter to him); Diodorus states that he gained the generalship by cultivating 'the voice of the public', whom he had bought with booty he had plundered in war. The Primary Record. the boundary of Carthaginian Spain. Hannibal left Carthago Nova sometime in May, and reached the Rhone in September. Also, all disputes about the border between Numidia(one of Rome's Allies) and Carthage would be settled by … [30]. This made him aware of the fact that he was not only army commander for the Carthaginians but (in Roman eyes) the cause of the impending war, so he decided that there was no point in any further delay. The following websites will help you complete the task. criticises these historians, declaring that there were three causes of the war - the 'wrath of Hamilcar', the Roman annexation of Sardinia, and Carthaginian expansion in Spain. e. Carthaginian conquest of Spain, 237-220bc. Their city had suffered too much in the war and in its aftermath during the ‘Mercenary War’ and there was a strong pro-peace party in the city. The government of Carthage was divided over their support for Hannibal in Spain and they were not really in favor of another war with Rome. While the First Punic War had been fought largely over control of Sicily, the Second Punic War involved confrontations in Spain, Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, and North Africa. The Second Punic War : The Causes Of The Second Pinic War 1043 Words | 5 Pages. Rome thought it would be easy to defeat Hannibal, but Hannibal was full of surprises, including his manner of entering the Italic peninsula from Spain. Causes of the Second Punic War The Second Punic war “was the greatest and most dangerous one Rome was compelled to fight on their way to the conquest of the Mediterranean.” With 17 years of battle causing heavy casualties to be suffered on both sides, the Second Punic War has proven to be an important time period in the Roman and Carthaginian empires. From here they established a trade network across the Mediterranean. The immediate cause of the Second Punic War was the decision by Hannibal — the main Carthaginian general at the time, and one of history’s most revered military commanders — to ignore the treaty between Carthage and Rome that “forbade” Carthage from expanding in Spain beyond the Ebro River. The Second Punic War-In 226, the Romans pledged to not interfere with anything south of the Ebro River, but after the first punic war, a city named Saguntum, south of the Ebro River, asked Rome for help against the Carthaginians. Hamilcar fought a ruthless guerrilla war in Sicily which held off the Romans at Eryx for three years; when the naval defeat at the Aegates Islands (241bc) cut off his supplies, and forced him to negotiate a truce and abandon Sicily, Hamilcar got his second-in-command Gesco to conduct the negotiations so he did not have to admit to failure). Now write an answer to the following question: 'Hannibal caused the Second Punic War.' Battle of Baecula. South of the river Ebro, Sagunto was only sea town (it was Hellenized Iberian city), which did not obeyed to Carthaginians, but it entered into an alliance with Rome. The causes of the war were a result of both Roman and Carthaginian actions. Posted February 27, 2010 at 5:33 PM Causes of the Second Punic War. After a while, the Carthaginians got their house in order and sought to expand their empire again. rome. The Second Punic War broke out in B.C. They were great traders and farmers and soon they had created a great city and they dominated large tracts of the coast of Northern Africa. This is demonstrably erroneous - Polybius's account makes it clear that Hannibal only crossed the Ebro AFTER the Roman's declared war.Polybius (Book 3, Chapter 6) THERE WERE CERTAINLY moments of tension after the First Punic War, but relations between Rome and Carthage were not entirely unfriendly. Hannibal 'received despatches [which] made him aware of the fact that he was ... (in Roman eyes) the cause of the impending war'. Hannibal in causing the war; show knowledge of Why did all the ancient writers - including Polybius - suggest that Hannibal Third Punic War Cause. The second Punic War lasted 218-201 B.C.for 17 years. gchoi2022. For 17 years the two states struggled for supremacy, primarily in Italy and Iberia, but also on the islands of Sicily and Sardinia and, towards the end of the war, in North Africa. hannibal and scipio. The following web pages will help you complete the task: This document contains the relevant sections of the set This ground that Hannibal chose to assail Saguntum at this clip to arouse a response from the imperium..., 2010 at 5:33 PM causes of the Second Punic War. in Spain showed aggressive... Your opinion, how reliable is Livys account of the Second Pinic War: the First War! 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